Retail Activation In-Store Promotion

Maximise your sales potential.

From word-of-mouth marketing to placing sales representatives directly on a shopfloor, our Retail Activation options are an effective grass roots activity that generates direct interest in your product.

Deployments vary from country wide campaigns that support key account retail chains to highly targeted activations in hobby stores. Regardless of the venue, the goal is to engage with the public, raise awareness of your brand and generate sales. Broadly speaking, this activity falls into one of two categories:

In-Store Promoters

Store Demonstrations

Our promoter teams act as dedicated sales representatives for your brand in stores. Their interactions with customers are sales focused, with conversations offering a brief summary of the game and it’s unique selling points rather than a gameplay experience. Their goal is to generate immediate sales, and they actively track this data while on site. Promoter visits are a fantastic way of supporting key product launches or showing support to new retail partners.

Store Demonstrations are an excellent opportunity for direct to consumer marketing that sells the experience that lies at the core of your products. By dedicating time teaching games and educating potential customers, our team amplifies the value of each customer interaction beyond the primary impression. This creates a ripple effect as that consumer uses what they have learned to show the product to their friends or family, who will do the same. 

Case Study

Independent Consumer Behaviour studies show that for 92% of consumers, a recommendation from a friend or family member is more effective than all other forms of advertising.

Another study found that word-of-mouth marketing is responsible for 20-50% of all consumer purchasing decisions.


Want to talk about getting your game in the hands of players all over the world?

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