Manufacturing Support & Negotiation

Improve your production price, component quality or manufacturing location to maximise your profitability.

We review your production from the ground up, making suggestions on materials and processes that can save you money, without compromising the quality of your creative vision.

Using our knowledge of production processes and our exposure to a vast array of tabletop products, we will help you craft and adapt your product specification to make sure it meets your needs and goals for the product.

We can help you to identify suitable production facilities and approach them on your behalf to secure manufacturing quotes, whether it is cost or quality that are your primary concern at production.

We then check these offers alongside market trends, raw material costs and your current pricing in order to make a recommendation to you based on quality, price and efficiency.
Where the quotes are not competitive, we will negotiate and represent your interests to the manufacturer in order to secure the best possible pricing.

Ethical & Ecologically Sustainable Production

In recent years we have seen a definitive shift in public awareness of ethical and ecological consumption, both in our own industry and the world at large.

Based on this, more and more studios are starting to consider the methods, materials and manner of their production. This can be a daunting process if you don’t know where to begin.

All About Games Consulting has the expertise and the knowledge in ethically responsible and ecologically friendly production to advise on how you can produce more sustainable products and help you identify production partners that can support you in this endeavour.

After identifying the key ethical criteria for your production we will approach suitable manufacturers on your behalf to gather quotes that meet your ecological production goals.


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