Events & Organised Play

Create a community of lifelong fans for your products by delivering a first-class event program to acquire new customers, or a fully realised Organised Play offering to reward existing players.
Our team is second to none when it comes to Events & Organised Play. Having worked on top lines such as Pokémon, Final Fantasy, and the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, we can help you launch products successfully. Our team has the experience to build an experiential marketing strategy that acquires you new customers in the short term, and keeps them engaged in the long term. 

How we will develop your Organised Play program for you:

Perform an in-depth product analysis

that considers your release model, pricing and target audience.

Assistance in discovering which products are suitable for OP

based on gameplay, with guidance on what makes a good OP title.

Advising you on appropriate formats

tailored to your product and aimed at supporting your goals for consumer engagement.

Planning Assistance for key events in the OP program

whether it’s a wave of intimate launch events, a world championship level event or anything in between.

Execution of this strategy

launching your Organised Play program and producing a strategy for your high profile competitive events with local partners in each territory.  
A dedicated Events program can be an excellent standalone initiative to help keep your brand in the eyes of consumers, even if organised play is not suitable for your products.

By having a booth presence at key industry events you can secure new business and establish yourself as a force on the market.
But events presence doesn’t stop there. By building a network of grass-roots local events you can hugely increase your market share and generate awareness at a local level.

We can help you deliver in store demonstration events for your products by:


Identifying key territories that need support and developing an events budget.


Conducting an in-depth review of your product line to select the best titles for demonstration, and building the events strategy around the promotion of these titles.


Reviewing your distribution placements for these products, liaising with local distributors to identify which retailers could support activity, either at a local level or at large scale events. 


Assistance with booth design and execution at large scale events including planning and execution of key event materials such as POS, promotional items and gifts with purchase.
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Some of the best performing titles in the UK hobby and mass market channels were built on the strength of these programs. 

Our team has over 25 years of combined experience delivering Events & Organised Play solutions that consistently challenge and delight end consumers.


Want to talk about delivering a fantastic, lasting impression to end consumers?

We’ll take your details and be in touch.