All About Games Consulting Blog

Kickstarter Adds Native Late Pledges!

Written by All About Games Consulting | Apr 18, 2024 11:49:55 AM

In a recent
blog post, Kickstarter announced that they are testing late pledges with a “select group of creators.  
What does Kickstarter’s new Late Pledges feature offer? 
The functionality of this new feature will be familiar to many in the board games industry, whether they are backers or creators: Kickstarter’s Late Pledges feature will “allow creators who successfully meet their funding goal to continue collecting pledges after their campaign officially ends”, just as Backerkit and Pledge Manager have for years.
How will Late Pledges on Kickstarter make life easier for creators and backers? 
This development may make post-campaign management easier for creators, however, with all the information housed on one platform, or, in Kickstarter’s words “right where your community is already supporting you.  
Indeed, backers won’t need to craete an account on a different platform and can use their details stored on Kickstarter and creators will not need to explain how pledge managers work, and why they chose that specific pledge manager, potentially reducing the number of backers who never fill out their pledge level details.
When will Kickstarter roll out Late Pledges for all creators? 
As is typical for tech companies, Kickstarter have stated that they will gather feedback from the lucky creators – including The Master Forge’s campaign for Master of Realms and then “refine its functionality, and ensure it’s everything our community needs. 
They didn’t state a timeframe for all creators being able to take advantage of the new feature, simply stating they “will be rolling out Late Pledges to all creators soon”. 

With the ever-changing landscape of crowdfunding, we’re curious to see whether Kickstarter’s competitors, like Gamefound will follow suite and offer late pledges as an advantage of using their platform too.  
You can learn about All About Games Consulting's crowdfunding services here.