All About Games Consulting Blog

The 3 Main Takeaways from Kickstarter’s New Advanced Creator Dashboard

Written by All About Games Consulting | May 10, 2023 11:25:17 AM

Kickstarter recently announced their beta version of the new Dashboard, the Advanced Creator Dashboard, that gives the creator access to a lot more data than ever before. We love data! It can help you track which marketing efforts are working and where your community is coming from, so we are very excited to see more in our Kickstarter pages.

Pledge Data: In Pledge Data section you can see the how many funds you’ve received per day (similarly to what you could already see on Kicktraq) but also per hour. This is very useful since you can easily find the funding spikes coming into your campaign, identify where they are coming from and tap into that audience further, which should further increase your funding level.


Channels and Referrers: Kickstarter already offered referrers information but now you can also find it per day. You can see what ads are performing best and on which days, find out which channels brought backers to you and when they did so.


Watchers: Watchers are followers of your campaign that haven't yet backed it. You can see how many watchers you have received in the previous 30 days and how many of them converted.


All the data above is a good upgrade from what Kickstarter was offering and they can be utilised to improve your marketing plan, focusing on what works, actually bringing backers to your campaign while reducing spend to channels that don’t. We would love to see a combination of the data above, including where watchers are coming from, how long each watcher spends on your page and what their journey on your Kickstarter page is. We would also love to have access to this before the campaign launches, where there is less traffic on the page and there is still the potential to fine tune marketing before launch. It is definitely a step in the right direction and we are looking forward to seeing how these new features shapes out to be after beta.

How are you planning on using these new tools? Let us know in the comments or hit us up on our social media to continue the conversation!