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Kickstarter’s New AI Policy: What Board Game Publishers Need to Know

Written by All About Games Consulting | Aug 9, 2023 11:55:36 AM

Kickstarter, the most popular crowdfunding platform for board games, has announced a new policy on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in projects. The policy, which goes into effect on August 29, 2023, requires creators to disclose how they are using AI in their projects and to obtain permission for any artist's work that is referenced. 

The policy was created in response to concerns about the potential for AI to be used to create misleading or deceptive projects. For example, a creator could use AI to generate images or text that appear to be original work, when in fact they were created by AI tools like Midjourney. 

The new policy aims to ensure that Kickstarter projects are transparent about their use of AI and that creators are properly crediting and compensating artists whose work is referenced. 
It is worth noting that projects that have already been submitted and are awaiting approval will not need to adhere to the new AI policy, only projects submitted from August 29th onwards will need to take the new policy into account for the submissions process. 
Now, into the specifics of the policy! 

What does the policy require? 

The policy requires creators to disclose the following information about their use of AI in their projects: 

  • What AI tools are being used? 
  • How the AI tools are being used? 
  • Which elements of the project are created using AI? 
  • Which elements of the project are original work? 

Creators must also obtain permission for any artist's work that is referenced in their project, whether the work was created using AI or not. 

What are the benefits of the policy? 

The new policy has several benefits, including: 

  • It will help to ensure that Kickstarter projects are transparent about their use of AI. 
  • It will help to protect artists whose work is referenced in AI-powered projects. 
  • It will help to build trust between creators and their community of backers. 

How will the policy be enforced? 

Kickstarter will review projects to ensure that they comply with the policy. If a project is found to be in violation of the policy, Kickstarter may take action, such as suspending the project or removing it from the platform. 

What does this mean for board game publishers? 

Creators who are using AI in their projects should review the new policy and make sure that they are in compliance. If you are unsure whether your project complies with the policy, you can contact Kickstarter for clarification. 

What does this mean for backers? 

Backers can be confident that Kickstarter projects that use AI are transparent about their use of the technology and that artists whose work is referenced are properly credited and compensated. 
How will the new policy affect approval times for projects? 
At time of writing, it is unclear this new AI policy will affect approval times for tabletop game projects. That said, it sounds like there could be some manual work involved on Kickstarter’s behalf, as they have stated that “Once submitted…projects will be put through a human review process by our moderation team.”  
It was not stated how long this review process will take or what it entails, so we would recommend anticipating at least an additional week for approval times compared to approval times before the policy was put in place. 


Kickstarter's new AI policy is a step towards ensuring that AI is used ethically and responsibly in crowdfunding projects. The policy will help to protect artists, build trust between creators and backers, and ensure that Kickstarter projects are transparent about their use of AI. 

Will this new policy encourage you to choose other platforms like Gamefound or Backerit for your crowdfunding campaigns if you use AI tools in the creation of your project? What are your thoughts on the new policy? Let us know in the comments!